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Shadow meets light

schmerz und liebe

Why is it so essential that we become more conscious?

Because otherwise we are stuck in a repetitive loop for the rest of our earthly lives. We avoid what scares us and run after what is supposed to give us pleasure - elevate other people to our personal gods. and function as required. You cannot really differentiate how you feel or why you feel that way. Since you have zero consciousness and vision, you try to change the other person so that you feel better and get a little air to breathe before you sink again. In the worst case, you unconsciously feel so inferior that you keep attracting people who make you feel exactly that - worthless, inadequate, powerless, unimportant and alone. Regardless of whether it is a painful relationship (desired relationship, on/off) or other longings... Have you ever asked yourself why you do what you do and why what happens to you 'happens' to you? No?

Then it's time

Because the time is NOW



Since the light is still missing to see where you are, that is exactly the first step with me. Binging light into the darkness. I want you to feel where you are energetically and what that actually looks like - without adornment, without excuses - pure. That also means without arousal and sexualization. If you want to continue to put a sexual filter over your pain and condition so as not to feel it and yourself, nothing will change. Pure is pure. And pure is very shameful, unpleasant, painful... but honest. For one person, a cane stroke is satisfaction, for another, clarity. For one person, crawling on the ground is pleasurable and arousing, for another, eye-opening and liberating. If you long to become more conscious and want to get to know my repertoire of glory, then welcome to the kingdom where shadow and light unite.

Emotional shadow work

Was passiert in dir, wenn du nicht das bekommst, was du möchtest?

Wie sieht es da in dir aus? Welche Emotionen kommen hoch? 

Zorn? Hass? Unverständnis? Aggression? 

Es mag sein, dass du dir den Ablauf auf eine gewisse Art und Weise vorstellst, viele Wünsche hast, glaubst zu wissen, um was es geht oder wie es geht. Gib es zur Seite. Ermögliche dir selbst, eine Erfahrung zu machen, die du nicht kennst und dir nicht einmal vorstellen kannst. Ich führe dich, jeden Millimeter. 

Du wirst auf diesem Weg Misstrauen, Angst, Ohnmacht, Zorn, Unverständnis begegnen - Emotionen, von denen du keine Ahnung hattest, dass sie in dir wohnen. Du wirst spüren, dass absolute Unkontrolliertheit herrscht in dir - das Gegenteil von Hingabe und Demut. Vor allem, wenn du gewisse Dinge genau nach deinen Vorstellungen haben möchtest. Ich werde dir dich selbst vor die Nase halten und du darfst dich ansehen, wahrnehmen und spüren. 

Meine Sklaven lernen diese ’negativen’ Emotionen und Felder ‘auszuhalten’, durchzugehen, durchzulassen, egal wie oft sie flüchten wollen, es nicht sehen und haben wollen. Ich gehe mit dir immer und immer genau an diese Punkte - bis du aufgibst, weich wirst, vertraust und die Angst somit verschwindet. 

Auch wenn du glaubst, frei zu sein und all diese Emotionen nicht zu kennen… wie frei bist du, wenn dein inneres Kind innerlich/äußerlich in die Luft geht, jedes Mal, wenn du etwas nicht auf deine Art und Weise bekommst? Wie frei bist du, wenn du etwas unbedingt haben oder tun musst, nur um ein kurzes High - ein Gefühl von Macht und Kontrolle zb. - zu erleben?

Ich rufe alle diese schmerzhaften Punkte auf, um sie für dich sichtbar zu machen. 

Bist du mutig und neugierig genug, um endlich Frieden in dir einkehren zu lassen?



It is a place where you can allow and let be everything that you have always hidden from the rest of the world. Your softness, your weakness... everything that you have rejected and for which you judge yourself. Everything that is not allowed to be as a man... everything that makes you a feeling, living being. I want all of that from you... touch on the deepest and highest level. When you open yourself to me, you open yourself to yourself... feel yourself and everything can come up. Despair, grief, shame... In many men's hearts there is so much grief, pure longing, crushing, tearing powerlessness and emptiness. A dark abyss that threatens to swallow you up again and again... from which this heart tries to flee... it wants to hide, hold on... and yet it is essential to encounter this very abyss, to look into it. To see yourself in it... how YOU sit down there and cry... in total darkness and isolation. How long have you been sitting down there... waiting, hoping, whimpering, and being afraid. Compassion reaches out to you... and you lift yourself up... bring yourself back to life.

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